Why do Governments and Banks not like Blockchain and cryptocurrency

Why do Governments and Banks not like Blockchain and cryptocurrency

What do we learn from movies like Ocean’s 11, 12, 13 or The Wolf of Wall Street? That thieves can steal a lot of money and enjoy it very well in freedom, not behind the bars. How can they steal? Having the right information, as we all know, that knowledge is power. What doesn’t anybody tell us? That most robberies and major gains in the finance and trading situations are organized by the elite few, with some inside information and connections. So while you are watching Ocean’s 11, The Wolf of Wall Street or The Big Short reflect on how money is made by the smart few that have access to life-changing information, while you work to pay your taxes, your mortgage and your children’s university. Your 20-year-old self would throw you off the window to see you’ve given up on your dreams: no private jet, no villa on an island, no helicopter, just work that seems never to be finished. You’re in a rat race, spinning in circles every day, and there’s someone who seems to win from your work more than you: Banks!

Why do Governments and Banks not like Blockchain and cryptocurrency?

The most money laundering, organized money and market movements, is carried out by the few. The highest amount of money laundering is done in Dollars. Yet I ask, why do the Government and Finance organizations put worry and pressure to rubbish the alternative new world of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technologies? According to United Nations Organisation on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC), it is estimated that there is $2T in money laundering globally. Imagine last year the Crypto had $54B in transactions versus $60T in real printed money, i.e. less than 0.1%, currently, however, growing exponentially. The printed money equates to over 3% of the world who carry out money laundering activities (which is a high percentage), so the crypto MUST be seen as the way forward for a cashless society to eradicate this phenomenon rather than saying it promotes it. It’s not even 1000 times smaller than just the dollar alone, based on current figures.

Who are the people who take the most flack and resolve the situation? The Governments – usually from the tax payer’s money. So of course that the people affected the most by introducing cryptocurrencies in our financial systems would be Governments, banks and central banks. Bottom-line, they are redundant in a lot of areas and major department heads will be deemed useless. Isn’t that good for productivity and efficiency? They protect their jobs and pensions via lobbying from banks and central banks who are all threatened by this movement. I see that there will be no need to reprint money or manage it via expensive banks with thousands running them in major glass houses with Billions in costs via salaries and assets etc. Whose money is that from? Clients! Hence the taxes pay for Governments and the central banks can’t control the currency value or have anything to do with taking their cut in managing it, let alone print it as there is nothing to print! Isn’t this a major saving all round? Call it disruption at a major scale – which explains why so much fear and doubt from the old school that wants everything to be done the way it was done for hundreds of years. The only major fear they are corrupting the public with is taxes and money laundering, but what they don’t tell people is that there is at least 1000 times less money laundering in the crypto world than the printed Dollars, let alone the other currencies.

Do you know an even more interesting story? Well, we’ve all heard of the Federal Reserve of the United States. It sounds so pompous and it creates you the illusion of trust. How can you not trust an institution that is called the Federal Reserve? You surely feel is something secure and serious and you have nothing to worry about. It can’t be a banking scam. You understand (more or less) how the financial system works, but I am almost sure that you did not know that The Fed is not part of the Federal Government, nor does it have any reserves, how you might think. How come? Very simple! Because it’s not a government institution, it’s a private organisation. In his book The creature from Jekyll Island, G. Edward Griffin tells us The Fed was created in 1910 by some of the most influential people of the time: Senator Nelson W. Aldrich, Abram Piatt Andrew Jr. (Assistant Secretary of the Treasury), Frank A. Vanderlip (president of the National City Bank of New York, Hanry P. Davison (senior partner of J.P. Morgan), Charles D. Norton (President of First National Bank of New York), Paul Warburg (Director of Wells Fargo) and Benjamin Strong (the emissary for J.P. Morgan and the first president of The Federal Reserve). The meeting where the Federal Reserve was created was hosted on Jekyll Island. See the irony? Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide. Frightening story, but the even more frightening part is what we are talking about could be real, not a horror novel. It’s not a James Bond movie about organisations controlling us from the shadows, could be the reality that is hidden from us like a wound covered by white rose petals. And another irony is that the official website of the so-called institution ends in .gov.

On December 23rd 1913, coincidentally 2 days before Christmas, when most people in Congress were home with their families, the Federal Reserve Act was signed by President Woodrow Wilson. Through that act, the control of the country’s monetary system was transferred from the Government into the hands of private individuals, the way it remained till today. Who are those people? We might never know, as they are the puppeteers that conduct the finance theatre show hidden behind the black curtains of our lack of information. You are free to believe or reject G. Edward Griffin’s theory about The Fed, but there’s no smoke without fire.

The Federal Reserve act gave unlimited power to a few wealthy banking institutions in America and it has the power to issue currency, manipulate interest rates and run secret bailouts, having a monopoly of the creation of the USA money. Yet, the Congress and the President of the United States are not allowed full control or supervision over this powerful organisation. It controls the money of a whole country, and yet they are not transparent about their acts. Maybe now you see the whole picture. Of course, cryptocurrencies are seen as a threat and the elite banking institutions will do anything in their power to stop it. They are protecting their own wealth and power and you will stop them only if you will be your own digital bank, in control of your own finances. Vanity is the devil’s favourite sin, so let’s be clever and rock their world while they are spending our money living their luxurious habits.